

The submission deadline of the WCNPS’24 is October 13th, 2024. In case of paper acceptance, the authors are required to prepare a 10-minute presentation of the paper must be recorded and posted on YouTube using ‘unlisted’ privacy settings.

It is noteworthy that both slides and video must be in English.


Authors are invited to submit original full-length papers with four to six pages for technical content including figures and references, using the formatting guidelines on the website for reviewing purposes.

Submissions will be made at EasyChair.


Original research papers are invited in the listed areas, but not limited to, in the Call for Papers. The length of the manuscript should not exceed four to six double-column pages including all graphs and references.

Manuscripts should be prepared according to IEEE standard template available on Overleaf.

Anti-plagiarism Policy

All submitted papers will be subject to a thorough peer-review process and sent to at least 03 (three) independent reviewers. The review outcome will determine the acceptance or rejection of the paper. Submitted papers will be also tested for a potential plagiarism/self-plagiarism, so it is in the interest of the authors to become familiar with IEEE guidelines in that regard.

Upload of the Final Version of the Paper and Presentation Video

All accepted papers must me revised according to the reviewers comments, so that its final version could be extended up to seven pages. The PDF files validated in the IEEE PDF eXpress, and the Youtube link for the recorded presentation shall be uploaded in the following link, from November 18th to 28th, 2024:

Publication Fee

Each accepted paper requires a publication fee of 400.00 (BRL) to be included in the proceedings. The authors must process the payment by November 28th, 2028, through the following link: